Ongoing training is designed to provide the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to do the current job better and plant the seeds for employment in the future. Training never stops. Most companies never train their agents beyond the new hire training because they are too busy putting out new hire classes.
Experienced agents receive an average of six training days per year. The best companies in the world recognize that training is not a single event but an ongoing process. When you invest in your current workforce today, it will pay big dividends when expansion and growth occur later. Your current workforce needs to grow and expand along with the contact center. A best practice is to provide recurring refresher courses and cross-training opportunities for existing employees.
– Refresher Courses
– New product and services
– Systems; applications, and best practices
– Personal and Professional development
The best athletes know the power of practicing the basics. That’s all ballplayers do at spring training – practice the basics. Olympians spend years developing and practicing the basics. Agents may not be Olympians, but shouldn't they also practice the basics? What agent skills, knowledge, and attitudes should be reinforced?
Product Review
Nothing is more fundamental than product training. Most companies are good at training employees on their products. Agents must be thoroughly fluent in their product knowledge to be genuinely credible with customers. Not just what products and services you sell but what those products do, how customers use them, and how customers benefit. What issues do customers experience and why? This includes keeping up with new products and services. Agents can become product authorities when using the products, even in a lab or classroom setting. When agents believe in your products and confidently convey this belief, customers respect agents more and gain the trust needed to resolve calls on the first call.
Systems & Applications
New hires are always rushed through new hire training and forced to learn new products, systems, and proprietary applications. Please return to them after 90 days to review the application's best practices. Have your power users submit more efficient and effective ways to use the applications. They have figured out shortcuts, tips, and tricks. Cross-pollinate the knowledge. This can reduce your call times, improve first-call resolution, reduce transfers, and when you make the job easier, you improve morale and tenure.
Compliance training is essential to educating employees about industry and governmental laws and regulations regarding workplace tasks and duties. It is the most critical training an organization can provide, yet it can be an afterthought or put on the back burner for a rainy day.
Without proper training, the company may risk lawsuits and penalties. To avoid potential risks, conduct ongoing compliance training to educate the workforce on current and new regulations. If your industry is highly regulated, you know that rules rarely stand still, and ongoing compliance training is a must to avoid penalties.
Compliance training keeps agents updated on regulation changes and how they impact their jobs. The traditional “read and sign” compliance format is simple but misses proper knowledge integration. Many employees read the content and manage to pass the quiz at the end but are unable to apply it to their jobs. They fail to understand the regulations when asked about them. Regulatory auditors are seeing through the “read and sign” and are beginning to interview workers. The workforce must be prepared for compliance interrogation or jeopardize their entire operation.
Compliance training doesn’t have to be painfully boring! The best compliance training courses are conducted in January, integrated into your core business, and reinforced throughout the year.
The next step is changing the mindset of the instructional design team. They must approach compliance training as problem solvers, creating timely, relevant, meaningful, and actionable learning. For proper knowledge integration, create engaging compliance courses that facilitate the application of the regulations. Translate legalese topics into the real world to provide context and meaningful applications. Instructional designers need to step up their game and make compliance more fun.
Holding training sessions helps employees understand the best practice standards and how to perform tasks more appropriately and efficiently. You develop a culture of compliance and how the culture values the laws, regulations, policies, and procedures that it lives by. Build your compliance training program around what rules and regulations affect job performance. What policies and procedures affect job performance? You can always layer in the “nice-to-know” material after the “need-to-know” has been mastered.
1. You are the Example. What continuous self-improvement program have you completed lately? How can you share what you learned with your team? What is one thing you can implement because of training?
2. Cross–training: Let agents self–select the skills, knowledge, and attitudes they want to develop. Watch the rising stars and groom them for management.
Ongoing agent skill development and training raises the level of knowledge, skills and attitudes for the entire workforce therefore making the contact center more productive, competitive and self-reliant. The most successful companies never stop after the new hiring training. They continue with refresher courses on products, services, system application, soft skills and technical skills.
Cross-training agents makes agents more valuable; they can fill in at a moment’s notice. Agents who have been cross-trained to do everyone’s job inside out and backwards become a go-to-person. Many times, these people are highly driven and motivated and become rising stars for promotions. Invest in your people and they will invest in the company with tenure.
Don’t forget the compliance training and figure out how to make it fun! It is a vital part of the education and training plan and is usually the most dreaded to complete. Get the most out of the compliance training by making it more meaningful, applicable and engaging. You will not only meet the compliance requirement but employees will know how to apply regulations with complete knowledge integration.
Ongoing training is how the best keep getting better. Run to the finish line and collect the gold!